"Bitcoin Money: A Tale of Bitville Discovering Good Money"

Kids | Storybook - Picture book for children | Overview

"Bitcoin Money: A Tale of Bitville Discovering Good Money"

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It is a lovely book that with a simple message and colorful illustrations, teaches kids about money. The entire story takes place in a group of creative peers living in the town of Bitville. Told from a child's perspective, it introduces a younger audience to the world of finance and its history: from barter to gold, to paper money, and finally to 'good money'—Bitcoin. It also presents the basic characteristics of money and nicely emphasizes the role of time and energy in assessing its value. A big plus is its brief introduction to cryptocurrencies, with practical examples explaining why they won't replace Bitcoin.

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The kids in Bitville realize they need a tool to help them trade with each other. As they explore using different types of money, a strange boy moves to town and suggests a new idea...

Bitcoin Money is a story for all ages which helps answer the question "Why Bitcoin?"


  • Released: March, 2019
  • Author(s): Michael Caras (Author), Marina Yakubivska (Illustrator)
  • Format: Paperback, Hardcover
  • Length: 28 pages
  • Available: Amazon

🥰 If you think your little ones will enjoy this story, you can also listen to and watch its content in the form of a YouTube 'audiobook'.

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