Exploring Bitcoin-Rabbit-Hole with Lily Knight

Kids - Young Teens | YouTube Videos to learn from and to laugh

Exploring Bitcoin-Rabbit-Hole with Lily Knight

Imagine the curiosity of a three-year-old, exploring new topics with her guests. That's exactly Lily's Show. Charming, funny, and has a childlike vibe—even if it’s a bit staged, it feels so genuine. We used to love these videos.

Isn't active anymore, but the videos are still available: full insights, Bitcoin-oriented questions and interesting answers from different guests, it's truly entertaining. Worth checking out.

Below are a few selected episodes.

There’s something for everyone, young and old. Bet you can’t help but smile!

👶 How does a little girl like Lily understand Bitcoin? See for yourself in this 2-minute video.

😎 What does Bitcoin mean for Pomp? Smart questions and answers in very simple language.

😄 ...mining bitcoin with volcanoes, the president of El Salvador, and Peter's favorite metal band.