Bitcoin Art To Make You Laugh: Family-Friendly Memes by Maxis Club, #01...

Young Teens - Older Teens - Adults | Bitcoin Memes

Bitcoin Art To Make You Laugh: Family-Friendly Memes by Maxis Club, #01...

Creative stories. The philosophy behind meme culture and bitcoin. An awesome mixture of learning and fun... Yes! Let's check some works by Maxis Club. Shall we?

The Meme Culture Has Pretty Deep Roots:

The idea of memes was first introduced by biologist Richard Dawkins in his 1976 book "The Selfish Gene." He used the word "meme" to describe ideas or behaviors that spread from person to person, similar to how genes pass on traits. He wanted to explain how cultural stuff evolves and spreads.

We won't dive deeper into this topic now, but feel free to explore it on your own if you're curious. As many Bitcoiners would say: “dive down this rabbit hole.”

↳ Bitcoin Culture & The Art of Memes:

Memes entered the Bitcoin world much later, somewhere in 2013, so about 4 years after Satoshi released the Whitepaper (Jan 2009).

They help explain complex concepts, share news, and strengthen the community. These memes often feature humor and cultural references, making Bitcoin discussions more engaging and accessible.

Even though they often appear as light-hearted jokes, memes are powerful—they help us share emotions, comments, and important information.

People love memes because they're creative, relatable, easy to share, and bring a sense of community.

↳ Bitcoin Memes & Maxis Club:

One of the most popular meme project in the Bitcoin space is known as MaxisClub. For the past 2 years, it has entertained and educated with a series of original comic illustrations. It celebrated its 2nd anniversary in April 2024.

The Maxis Club has many characters led by a cute teen frog called Maxi Kawaiipu, who, in his everyday Bitcoin journey, meets other fictional characters like his family and friends, as well as illustrated characters inspired by real people.

Not all of the Maxis Club memes are 100% kid-friendly, but there are plenty in the current collection that will make both adults and younger audiences laugh. We're happy to share some of them right here.

(fyi. PART #02 to come.)

More than memes: Just recently (also in April 2024), some of you could have seen the beginnings of an animated sitcom based on these memes, called THE MAXIS CLUB SHOW. More about this will be posted in our "Watch" section. Stay tuned...

  • Maxis Club Can Inspire & Teach About Important Facts...

  • Creative stories that make jokes even about the topics they're teaching us—like Bitcoin. How many of you can relate to what Maxis Club is showing us here?

😎 If you're already familiar with Bitcoin culture, you probably know how much Bitcoiners talk about Bitcoin. If you're new to this topic, get ready for two scenarios:

1. You'll soon find yourself nodding along to these conversations.

2. You'll start creating such moments yourself.

We hope these awesome memes brought a smile to your face, and maybe even inspired you to create your own—alone, with friends or your family.

Selected works may win some sats and get published on Bitcoin Junior Club.