Print at Home: ZiGi and Bitcoin Pizza Day
Kids - Young Teens | Free Printables from WHATABEAR YOU LOVE

Meet ZiGi—a new drawn buddy for kids, one of the Satosh Bears! He brings a short story to read, some Bitcoin-themed learnings and inspiration, coloring pages, logic puzzles, and fun.
These are part of a book called WHATABEAR YOU LOVE, which hasn't been published yet. However, various sections are already in homes of many children. This particular set is mainly focused on Bitcoin Pizza Day but can be enjoyed all year round. Download, print at home, play with your others + enjoy!

Want to learn more about Bitcoin Pizza Day and why should it matter to younger generations? 🤔🍕
Check out one of these two short articles published along with our free printables in May this year.
Bitcoin Pizza Day, Satosh Bears, ZiGi and Whatabear You Love! - European Bitcoiners

Bitcoin Art Bitcoin Pizza Day + Satoshi Bears = Extra Fun For Kids This Year! - Love is Bitcoin

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