Bitcoin Junior Club <> YakiHonne
Exclusive Interview | The story of our project, and beyond

Our mommy recently sat down with the team at YakiHonne to share her thoughts on Bitcoin’s core philosophy, privacy, and freedom. They also talked about our mission, background story, and the importance of education in raising sovereign generations.
- A visual excerpt from the interview:
- The full conversation: YakiHone (Community Newsletter, March 2025)
"YakiHonne : I would like to know, what sparked your interest in Bitcoin? And what motivated you to create Bitcoin Junior Club? What inspired you to create a whole community around it?
Şelale: There were many different aspects that drew me to Bitcoin, but I would say the most important one is the aspect of freedom, Bitcoin is the best form of money humanity has ever had. No middlemen, no one setting the rules. For the first time, people who have always been unprivileged and unbanked now have a real alternative—a way to opt out of the system they were born into. At the same time, when we look at developed countries, we see increasing surveillance, restrictions, and privacy constraints. Once again, Bitcoin serves a crucial role here. It is freedom money, a freedom tool, and that’s what hooked me the most.
On the other hand, what truly motivated me to launch our project was the realization that money is just a tool. If people stop thinking critically, if they don’t truly understand its potential, even something as revolutionary as Bitcoin can be misused or even turned against us.
Together with my husband, we believe that education is essential, especially for younger generations. We want to help them develop critical and creative thinking skills, to keep questioning topics they come across, and to think for themselves. This is the core reason we started this community. Along the way, I’ve come across many family-friendly projects with a similar mission. But most of such resources are scattered and difficult to locate. That’s why, one of our main goals is to create a comprehensive database—a place where people can find all kinds of educational resources, from the content we produce to information about existing initiatives in areas like: homeschooling, unschooling, Bitcoin, financial education, and more.
At the heart of it all, our focus remains on fostering creativity and independent thinking, because without it, we risk heading toward a future I personally don’t want to see. In the end, our mission is to help raise sovereign generations— individuals who truly understand and embrace financial and personal freedom."
💡 More about YakiHonne: